Jana Berzelius

”Jana Berzelius is a fascinating and original character that is unprecedented in criminal literature.”
-Nerikes allehanda.

Emelie Schepp's stories about the complex prosecutor Jana Berzelius have achieved great international success.

Schepp knew initially that she would write about an unusual and complex woman with a hidden and violent past. After reading an article about child soldiers, she created Jana Berzelius, a successful prosecutor who works to enforce laws and regulations in society, but does not hesitate to breaking them when hiding her dark background.

Jana Berzelius becomes a TV series on Amazon Prime April 2024!

My first book, Marked for life, will be Amazon Prime next big venture and will be produced by FLX.

The series is filmed in Stockholm and beloved Norrköping! I can hardly find words, but I am incredibly honored and happy that Jana will become a TV series, and it is a privilege to work with Felix Herngren and Henrik Björn. FLX has also done a brilliant job with the casting and I can't wait to see the result!

- Emelie Schepp has created a completely unique world in Norrköping around the main character Jana Berzelius. The books are bursting with interesting characters and nail-biting stories that have been incredibly fun to sink our teeth into. Our expressions as comic creators have been fused together during a fantastically fun and creative process. The result is a musty suspense drama that we hope both amuses and touches, say Felix Herngren and Henrik Björn, directors of the series.

- Viaplay continues to invest heavily and broadly in content by incredibly skilled writers. We love stories that touch and Emelie Schepp's bestselling books about Jana Berzelius are no exception. To also have big names such as Felix Herngren and Henrik Björn on the trip is incredibly fun. We strongly believe in this series, which will attract both old and new fans around Sweden and abroad.

I can't wait to see the first images from the shoot, says Filippa Wallestam, EVP & Chief Content Officer at Viaplay Group. Scriptwriters are Maria Karlsson, Daniel Sawka and Charlotte Lesche. Producer at FLX is Sussan Treschow and executive producer is Elin Kvist, Erik Barmack at Wild Sheep and Martin Rea at Reaz.

Jana - Marked for life is expected to premiere on amazon Prime in April 2024 💥